
Friday, December 28, 2012

Everyone is Somebody's Someone

In our small world, that is shrinking more each day, a good mantra to walk behind is that "Everyone is Somebody's Someone," which basically means that treating everyone with respect and kindness should be the rule of thumb.  A story of a salesman that was trying to sell a new product to the owner of a restaurant….the salesman comes in to meet the owner, who is not in.  A busboy asks the salesman if he can help him with anything….a beverage while he waits, etc..  The salesman is subsequently extremely rude to the young man and tells him that he is sure that there is nothing he can help him with.

The Owner arrives and meets with the man.  After the salesman leaves, the owner approaches….."Hi SON, did you meet that gentleman?"  Well, yep, the busboy was the owners son who was training in all positions to eventually take over the restaurant's operations.  The owner's son replies to his father and explains how rude the salesman was.  They agreed that based on his behaviors, they would never buy any product from that particular salesman.

Well, you get it, right?  It's a small world, so just treat everyone as they were your next Big Thing!!!  This will ensure a happy person!!  Plus, mean people suck.

Have a wonderful New Year!

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